59.4 °F

About This Weather Station

Observations are powered by a Personal Weather Station

Welcome Ron's weather page!

Weather observations are live and updated on this page ever 2 minutes

My observations are also posted at the following weather services:

To show built in weewx variables (like station battery status (if supported), temperature, weewx version, etc.), just add them to this file. For example:

  • Station hardware: Ecowitt HP2561 running throug a Raspberry Pi
  • Server uptime: 36 days, 8 hours, 47 minutes
  • WeeWX uptime: 36 days, 8 hours, 47 minutes
  • Site generated by WeeWX
  • Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3.1

For an example of what this page could say, please see https://belchertownweather.com/about. If you need more help, refer to this link.

Enjoy your new weewx skin!